K-Dom, Inc. specializes in research and development of new products and technologies; when they are finished you can purchase a finished product. If you have any questions please mail us: research@k-dom.com.
Mechanical primitives in cryptography
Design of pseudorandom generators
Pseudorandom generators are very important
for many applications, such as testing of
VLSI testing, information transmission systems
or cryptography. It is obvious that the
best examples of pseudorandom sequences
can be found in nature. Behavioral
simulation of real world objects makes
it possible to create perfect generators.
However, there are significant difficulties
related to technical implementation of such generators.
Therefore development of pseudorandom generators is of
great practical interest. The goal of this research
is to evaluate possibilities for implementation of
pseudorandom generators based on behavioral
simulation of mechanical primitives and develop
real generator prototypes.
Our research shows that the classical model
of mechanics, which describes relative motion
of systems, makes it possible to generate
pseudorandom sequences. An example of the simplest
generator describes free oscillation of a system
with one or several degrees of freedom.
Generators implemented on the basis of
simulation of mechanical primitives have
important features: they can generate sequences
of bits, numbers or permutations as well as
generate several independent sequences simultaneously.
Development of key exchange protocols
The main criterion for reliability estimation
of cryptographic systems is that system
reliability is to be fully dependent on the key.
Generation, storage and exchange of keys
are complex cryptographic problems.
Complexity of these problems is determined
not only by complexity of relevant mathematical
methods, but also by a need to take account
of the "human factor". How Alice is going
to transfer the keys to Bob? How Bob can
check that it was Alice who transferred the key?
Can Bob be sure that Alice transferred the
key only to him? These questions and many other
questions are to be taken into consideration
when key exchange protocols are developed.
This research is dedicated to study of mechanical
primitives in order to use them in key exchange
protocols. First results show that by analogy
with mechanical primitives various protocols
can be designed where participants share the
common secret.
It is a widely accepted fact that the development of
information technologies sets stringent
requirements related to confidentiality of information.
Data protection from unauthorized access is very
important for such activity fields as commerce,
medicine, army and science. In addition to fields
mentioned above, the information protection problem
emerges every time when it is necessary to transmit
data from one location to the other or store archive
One of the most flexible and efficient secrecy
enforcement methods is based on cryptographic algorithms.
This research is dedicated to permutations which
are a fundamental element of cryptography.
The developed algorithms for generation of
permutations make it possible to decrease the memory
volume required for generation of permutations and
speed up the generation process at the same time.
New algorithms for generation of permutations allow
one to introduce flexible and efficient cryptographic
Our algorithms make it possible to efficiently
generate all possible permutations of the certain
order as well as solve specific problems, such as
generation of the previous or the next permutation,
generation of permutations with certain properties,
solution determination for the TSP (traveling salesman
problem). We designated our methods as methods for
direct generation of permutations.
We intend to use the algorithm
property which makes it possible to generate
permutations in real time depending on the key in order to design dynamic and
key dependent S and P boxes.
Remote surveillance system
Today security systems attract attention of
a wide user group - from business owners to
private individuals.
Modern security system is a complex high-tech
hardware/software complex. It combines digital
video facilities, remote monitoring systems,
alert systems and other application-oriented equipment.
Remote monitoring systems are employed on production
sites, in public establishments, parking garages and
lots, business offices and private houses.
The strategy course of our firm is to develop of
flexible products taking account of rapidly
changing modern technologies. Results of our
development can be combined into an independent
product. Modular structure allows us to offer the
user separate modules as well. These modules
can be integrated into the existing structure.
The surveillance system offered by K-DOM, Inc.
implements the following objectives:
- video monitoring and video recording
- control of various security facilities
- prompt alert and alarm messaging
- remote system monitoring and control over LAN, ISDN, xDSL
- cryptographic encryption on the basis of known, proprietary or user-provided methods
- X-Ray check system interfaced with the common security system
Recognition of license plates
There are various practical applications
for recognition of license plates.
For example, it would be convenient
to determine if an incoming vehicle is
authorized to enter the parking lot or
parking garage and open the gates automatically
if the authorization result is positive.
Another example is tracking of stolen
vehicles or ticketed vehicles whose owners
are banned from driving them.
This research is focused on development
of algorithms for recognition of vehicle
license plates. Besides, we develop software
which employs these algorithms and makes it
possible to analyze the situation and send
the alarm signal to the analytical center with
the use of various communication channels.